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文興中學 【聖經金句】 2022年10月 輔導室宗輔組 提供
*德訓篇:3:7a 孝敬父親的,必享長壽; Those who fear the Lord honor their father,
*德訓篇:3:7b 聽從上主的,必使母親得到安慰。 Serving their parents as masters.
*德訓篇:3:20a 你越偉大,在一切事上越當謙下; For great is the power of the Lord;
*德訓篇:3:27 a 心裏頑硬的人,終究必有不幸的結局; A stubborn heart will have many hurts;
*德訓篇:3:28a 徘徊在兩條路上的心,決不會成功; When the proud are afflicted, there is no cure;
*德訓篇:3:28b 心術不正的人,必要絆倒。 For they are offshoots of an evil plant.
*德訓篇:4:3 不要擾亂憂苦人的心靈,也不要遲延接濟有急難的人。 Do not aggravate a heart already angry, nor delay giving to the needy.
*德訓篇:4:23 我兒,你要愛惜光陰,謹避邪惡; Do not refrain from speaking at the proper time, and do not hide your wisdom;
*德訓篇:4:12a 你的言語,應當前後一致。 Place your hand over your mouth!
*德訓篇:5:13 聽話要快,答覆要慢。 Honor and dishonor through speaking!